12 oz Whole Bean
So here's how the decaffeination process of Swiss Water Process works:
There's a magical extract called "Green Coffee Extract" (GCE), which is chemical free and contain naturally occurring water-soluble solids found in green coffee.
Green coffee beans have a spa in hot water first, then take a swim for 10 hours in GCE until the caffeine on the inside of the coffee bean diffuses into the extract.
When the coffee is 99.9% caffeine-free, it's yeeted out into the world to be roasted. In this case, under the care of yours truly.
This is a full city+ (medium-dark) roast for optimal sweetness and body.
Tastes Like: Low acid, Mellow, Balanced, Cookies
Truly Tireless
This is a full city+ (medium-dark) roast. Have some extra shots. You deserve it.